Tuesday, September 4, 2007

In the library....

Ya'll!! OH MY STARS!! We're going to be holding a memorial service for my computer this Thurs. at 10 am! haha Really, it's dead and we're gonna have to replace it. Not sure how that's gonna happen, but God will provide. Anyway, I'm at the library posting this today and praying that this will work.

God has been doing some pretty amazing things in me during this time and I just can't wait to share it all with you. He's brought many of you into my life for a reason and each time I think of you I whisper a prayer since I can't pop on your blog and "check in". I know that's the way He'd rather have it anyway! Thanks for caring enough to stop by and I'll be sure to keep you "posted" on my computer situation.

BTW Did ya'll see the Siesta Fiesta on Beth Moore's blog? SHE CRACKS ME UP! If you haven't seen it, go check it out!
Love to all!


ThreeGirlyGirls said...

oh girl!!! I miss ya!! I hate that your computer is down and out......oh I know how hard that is!! I'll be praying for God to step down and provide!!! Love ya!!

Kim said...

We miss you - sorry I can't attend the memorial service(hee hee) but I will say a prayer that a new computer will come your way soon. :)

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

we miss you greatly - and how is "lucy"

you are special and i love you much - scrawney neck girl!!!