I'm tellin you what! It STINKS getting old! Yes, it does! It has taken me all blasted week to recuperate from this past weekend. I mean, let's be real. I was at the church about 4 hrs on Wed and then Wed night church (last week), about 4 hrs on Thur and then again Thur night for our National Day of Prayer service - AMAZING by the way - then Friday from 1pm to 8pm then Sat 9am to 6pm then Sun 7am - 11:30am (yes I was on vocal team - filling in for someone - WHAT was I thinking?) then back at 1:45pm til 8:30 or so Sun night. I took it easy on Monday, except running a few errands, then Tues had to deliver and set up a new sound system for my kids school. Then had to clean my Beth's house yesterday, church last night, then clean my MaryAnn's house today! Like I said.....WHEW!!!
My own house is lookin' a bit pitiful, but I'm hoping if I hold out long enough I'll get some sympathy/Mother's Day help! hahaha I guess after going back and reading that it's no wonder I'm worn out! Made me tired just typing it all! haha
I think my post Tues made it sound like I was a bit down, but I'm not really. Tired, but the Lord was so good to me during the last week that I can't do anything but shout - well, ok just say because of the fatigue - His praises!!! My man is in the mortgage business and anyone with a brain knows things are bad so I just ask you to pray for that situation and for my man to not stress about it. God is and always will be faithful!!! Oh yes He will!!
Roasted potatoes with Italian greens
8 years ago
Want to know what will make you feel oh so much better?.......meeting a friend in "yeller town".....a friend you haven't seen but once.....a very long time ago. Watcha say?!? You game?
i am holding out for Sunday too........ love you!!
Oh goodness! I hope you had a restful day yesterday!!! I will be praying for you this week and especially the job stuff...I can't imagine how hard things are right now! Love ya! And Happy Mother's day, a day late! =)
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