Land sakes. I woke up this morning. I looked at the calendar and sure enough, it's June 26th. It's my birthday. In fact, it's the big 4-0! UGH! I guess it was inevitable no matter how much I denied it. ;-)
It's funny because I'm usually psyched about my birthday. I was really depressed when I hit 25 for some reason, but every other birthday has always been great fun. This one, however, has really been a struggle for me. It's not that fact that I'm 40, honestly it's not. I think it's just the combination of all the events going on in my life that the enemy is doing his best to make me feel like a failure but I know better. All I have to do is look around, close my eyes and listen to the sweet giggles coming from the other room and I know better. Sure, in the world's eyes I may not have much. I may not be much, but who cares? I'll take my Father's eyes any day!
"Find rest, O my soul, in God alone, my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, he is my fortress, I will not be shaken." Ps 62:5-6 (emp. mine)
Have a great day y'all and I know you meant to wish me a happy birthday right? hahahaha That's pitiful isn't it?!
Roasted potatoes with Italian greens
8 years ago
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to Valarieeeeeeeeee...Happy Birthday to you!
Hope your day if full of joy!
Girlfriend! Happy birthday to you! Don't you let Satan take away your fun! It's Valarie's birthday week, right? Now act like it!!
Happy Birthday, Valarie! I hope you have a great day celebrating all the blessings God has given you these last 40 trips around the sun. May God continue to grow you in his grace and mercy as everyday you learn to trust him more.
Happy Birthday Val!!!! and my God bless you with many more to come as he is shaping you and making you what he has call you to be there is a reson why you go through the things you do God has a meaning behind everything you feel ,get ready the best is yet to come!! marina
Happy Belated Birthday Valarie. Sorry I missed the actual day but late is better than not at all I suppose. Know that I continue to pray for ya'll.
Talk to you soon!
Happy Birthday Melissa. 40 was fabulous for me - I learned to let go of a lot and enjoy things more....I pray that the same will happen for you.
...and 41 came this year and it was just another day...did not bother me at all....
Kim, I know you meant me not Melissa. You'd better be praying for her though because the Lord must have put her on your heart! teeheee
Love ya girl.
You know, the minute I pressed publish comment - a BIG LIGHT BULB went off in my head and I thought to myself, "Did I just wish Valarie a Happy Birthday and call her Melissa?" Yes, I did....I had just left Melissa's blog to read yours.....ha..ha...Did I mention things like this will begin to happen to you now that you have turned 40? Love ya girl! Enjoyed the 3:00 performance today! AWESOME!
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