You may recall that a few months ago my "God Calling" was all about laughter. Well today being a new month (which by the way, can you believe it's July already?) the book kinda goes to another topic. What was today's topic? Attack fear.
I have wasted a lot of my life living in fear. Afraid of what could happen to me when I'm alone. Afraid of what people thought of me. Afraid I had said something stupid....again. Afraid of being alone. Afraid of the dark. Afraid. The Lord has really done a work in me releasing me from a lot of that fear. Praise His name! But I still have areas that creep in. I think we all do, we are still human right? Lately, though He's doing a new work in me. Don't you just love that? I know I do. He's putting me in situation after situation where He's all I have and then asking me "What's it gonna be girlfriend? Are you gonna sit here stuck in this fear or are you gonna get in the boat and go to the other side with me?"
This past Sunday Dr. Rummage - who had apparently been in my kitchen without me knowing it - spoke a Word from the Lord! I mean, SPOKE A WORD, people! Will someone who was there roll me a "AMEN"? (I know that's not grammatically correct but it's more fun to say that way right Jennifer? haha) He taught from Mark 4:35-41 where Jesus and the disciples head out in a boat, a storm comes, they freak out and He calms the storm. The thing that hit me was that Jesus got in the boat with them and then told them the plan. "Let's go to the other side" (my paraphrase) was the plan. Not, "Let's get in this boat and HOPEFULLY we'll get to the other side if nothing bad happens, like a storm comes, or we spring a leak, or someone falls off the boat, or we lose our oars, or, or, or......" His plan was clear. But what happened, the disciples got distracted by the storm and lost sight of the plan.
How often does that happen to us? We lose sight of what God has called us to do. Our focus shifts from the very thing God wants for us to the very thing the enemy throws at us. We get stuck in the fear. I heard another preacher speak on this passage and he talked about the disciples all standing up on the boat going "I'm not gonna wake him up, YOU go wake him. No way, I'm not going, let's get Peter." I mean weren't a few of those guys fishermen? Hadn't they likely been in a storm before? Yet they lost it. Can anyone besides me relate? UGH!
So Dr. Rummage told about a book titled something like "That's outside my boat" and that is my new favorite line. This job stuff is outside my boat. Right now, I'm staying in the boat with Jesus where all is well, all is calm and Jesus is at the wheel. So, back to this fear thing. Today's "God Calling" had this to say "Do not fear. Remember how I faced the devil in the wilderness, and how I conquered with 'the sword of the spirit which is the word of God.' You too have your quick answer for every fear that evil may present - an answer of faith and confidence in Me. Where possible say it aloud. The spoken word has power. Look on every fear, not as weakness on your part due to illness or worry, but as a very real temptation to be attacked and overthrown."
"My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken." Ps. 62:1-2
Roasted potatoes with Italian greens
8 years ago
Um yes ma'am. There is a time to be grammatically correct and a time that it really doesn't matter. An actual published book would indicate that correct grammar would be NICE. :)
"That's outside my boat" is my new fave line too!!
Love that sermon because it made me realize that I can stop worrying about things that are outside of my boat! I can't control it all, and I need to stop trying!
Love you!
What a great sermon it sounds like! I'll have to go back on and listen to it. I love that phrase too......very catchy!! =)
Seems like we have more than anger in common. Fear has been a struggle for me - thankfully, it didn't have complete power over me like anger. One day while I was out running, I began praying for my husband who was out of the country on mission and would you believe, I started thinking about him not coming home - fear overtaking my prayer. The Holy Spirit superceded and sent a little chorus into my heart.
Peace in your presence.
Peace in your presence.
When fear comes in and clouds my mind,
In your presence, I find peace.
Since that day anytime I feel fear coming in to grip me, I sing this little chorus and I realize those things are "outside my boat!" (Love that little ditty also!)
Wish I'd heard the sermon; will be looking for the book.
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