Father God this morning I come to You with such a heavy heart. Lord I know that you are in control and that your ways are not my ways. I know that you have a plan not just for my life but for the lives of those who love you. Lord this morning I come claiming that I don't understand the plan you have for my friend Laura and her family. I don't understand why cancer has to hit. Lord I know it hurts your heart as much as it does ours so right now I just give you my broken heart for Laura, Duffy and Donna. Lord I pray that in their situations you will reveal yourself to them in a mighty way so that they will draw near to you. I pray for healing in Duffy and in Donna. I pray that you will give the Dr's wisdom to know what and how to treat them and that you will give them peace in this storm. Lord I pray that you will bring such a peace to them and to Jerry and Jim that they will know your peace does pass all understanding! Lord give Laura strength to face these trials with her mom and stepmom. Help her to know what to say and when to say it. Draw her to you Lord. I love this family like they are my own Jesus and above all I want them to know you and your love. Thank you for your promise of shelter in the cleft of your holy rock Lord. I love you and I praise you for who you are despite these awful circumstances. You are Holy and you alone are worthy of all praise. Do a miracle Lord. In the name of Jesus I ask it. Amen...
For anyone who reads this please pray for my friend Laura, her mom Duffy and her stepmom Donna. Also their husbands Glen, Jerry and Jim. Thanks.
Roasted potatoes with Italian greens
8 years ago
So sorry to read about this family! You are right prayer changes things.
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