Tuesday, January 8, 2008

God is speaking!!! Am I listening?

Ok, so a slight detour from the 2 Chron verse today. I'll be back to that though. So my sweet friend Melissa reminded us of how God often repeated things He wanted to be SURE we heard, or how he would call people by name over and over to make sure they were listening. (Think of Jesus saying "Peter, do you love me?") So I just had to share about my day yesterday.

So, I told you about that INCREDIBLE sermon Dr. Rummage shared yesterday morning from Prov. 4:5-9 on gaining wisdom. I mean, it was like he could've started sentences with my name!! In fact, a couple of times I was certain he did! The funny thing is Nicki and Mandy said the exact same thing happened to them! THAT'S when you know God is speaking!! So, anyway, I started a new devotional book called "Completely Loved" and I've really been enjoying it. I pick it up and the devotion title was "You are completely loved by your Wise Counselor"! OH YES! The devotion was drawn from Solomon's prayer for wisdom. I just sat there cracking up!

THEN, I'm in the car talking to my sister on the phone about my mom and the latest with that (which your prayers are being heard sweet sisters! She's had several good days with just a hint of confusion, but no hallucinations!!) and I had the radio turned down. When we're done I turn up the radio and Leslie Niese goes "So I opened up my Bible and began reading about Solomon asking God for wisdom"!! I NEARLY WRECKED THE CAR!!! So do ya think maybe God is trying to tell me to just seek Him and not try to do this life thing on my own?! I'm thinkin' so!! I just had to share all that with you guys! God just cracks me up! My personality is one that I see the humor in everything He does - well most everything! Anyway, I just love Him so and I just can't wait to get to heaven and tell Him to His holy face!!!!

PS - Please pray for sweet Tracy today. She hasn't blogged much lately because she started a new job but her grandfather died yesterday. Her grandma passed right before Thanksgiving and she said that he was just waiting to get her thru before he joined her. Pray that God will comfort her and remind her that He has a plan in all this! Thanks.
God in heaven, wrap your arms of comfort and peace around my sweet sister Tracy today. She's been so faithful in visiting her grandparents in the nursing home and I'm sure this is going to be yet another adjustment and change in her life, but you remind her today that You have a plan and that You will show yourself worthy of praise even in the valley of the shadow of death! Thank you for bringing her into my life! I love you Lord. In Jesus' name I ask these things. Amen.
Love ya T!

ADDED: Thought this was worth poppin' back on to share with you all! God is even speaking thru my kids. My daughter Kayley had to write out a New Year's wish tonight as part of her Kindergarten homework. Yes, I said KINDERGARTEN homewordk. Anyway, I asked her what her wish for the new year was and she said "For everybody to love each other more, Mommy. You know, like Jesus love us." KILLED ME!! Land sakes sometimes they can be so sweet you could just squeeze them!! hahaha


marine's words said...

Valarie,I have been thinking to pray for Godly wisdom and out pop your blog on these subject. WOW!!
maybe I should get the same devotion I think God is talking to me too thuough you!and we don't even know each other, I have thought of these all year for wisdom. God is good, let me know how the devotion goes,blessing ,marina

marine's words said...

PS. thanks for the post I will be back. blessing in Christ our Lord.

Valarie said...

Thanks for popping over Marina! I just love how the Lord brings His children together by whatever means He chooses! Even if it's online! LOVE IT!! Talk soon.

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

i just love reading your blog - i can so hear your voice and it makes me feel at home!!! love you!

thanks for letting us know about Tracy. Was that her grandma she was soooooooo close to?

Valarie said...

Yes Leigh, Tracy lost her Grandma in Nov and was VERY close to her growing up now her Grandpa is in heaven with her too!! Tracy's doing ok because she knows they're together and she said that she could just hear her Granny saying to him "What took you so long?" I love that!!

Lucy said...

You just have no idea how much I love and appreciate you! I've said it before and I'll say it are an incredible friend!