Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I'm Determined

2 Chron. 29:10-11 "I have decided to make a covenant with the God of Israel and turn history around so that God will no longer be angry with us. Children, don't drag your feet in this! God has chosen you to take your place before him to serve in conducting and leading worship—this is your life work; make sure you do it and do it well."

As promised, I'm coming back to this AWESOME verse in 2 Chron today. When I was researching verse 11 - which was the one that Dr. Doug shared with us in choir practice - I went to my trusty Bible Gateway site and pulled up several different translations of this verse but every time I kept coming back to The Message translation. Now, I know some people have a problem with the Message and no, I don't think you should build your theology on it, however, it is a FANTASTIC reference!! (Before I go any further please know that I'm no theologian here, just a girl trying to bring alive the Word in my life!)

When I tried to pull up verse 11 it would bring verse 10 with it. I guess so that you could have the context, but me being the way I am, I went back and tried it time and time again and EVERY time it would bring along verse 10, so like I said yesterday, "Am I listening?" So I took some time in verse 10. "I have decided to make a covenant with the God of Israel" I've done the Beth Moore tabernacle study where she goes to great lengths to explain what making a covenant is all about. It's soooo much more than a promise. To try to explain it, think of a time you've heard a war hero telling a story that he promised to come back for his wounded buddy, and he does and rescues them both. That soldier wasn't just making a flippant promise, he was going to do whatever it took to get himself back to rescue his friend. Even if it meant dying in the process. Now that's making a covenant!!

"and turn history around so that God will no longer be angry with us." Now this part of the verse tore me up!! I'm going to make a vow to God to try to change history. This verse is talking about a time when God was angry with the Israelites and their whining. Can anyone relate to that? I know I sure can!! I know that I've made God angry. I've hurt His heart. I've disappointed Him. I've disrespected Him. (with worry, thanks Lisa!) So as I sat here and read this verse the Lord spoke to me that it's time to change MY history. It's time to change the history of my family, the history of the music ministry, the history of my church. Now, I'm no Moses, but the best way I can wage war in this battle is on my knees! On my knees for my man and my kids. Ok, let me stop right there. If you don't know this about me yet, I'm a pray-er! I love to pray, I've prayed for years. But God (woooo love that) showed me that it's more than the obligatory, "protect them, keep them healthy," etc) it's time to get on my face and pray some specifics. Pray for Jimmy's heart at work, pray for his eyes as he's in an environment with a lot of women, pray for his hands to be prosperous. You get what I'm saying here? God doesn't want to hear what I'm "supposed" to pray about, He wants to hear me pleading for the things that matter most to me. He wants my praise not my laundry list of "needs"!

So here's the challenge. "Children don't drag your feet in this! God has chosen you..." Do you hear that? It's time to get off the fence! It's time to stop playing church! It's time to stop going to God like He's a genie in a bottle waiting to grant your every wish! It's time to stop dragging your feet thinking, well I've blown it today, I'll start tomorrow. No!! DO IT NOW! Tell Him now! Pray now!! Do you want to change history for this country? It's not about primaries or candidates - even if change is their motto - it's about all of us - every one of us who is CHOSEN getting on our knees and making a covenant to do it EVERY day, every hour, every time He lays it on our hearts and minds. Sisters, don't drag your feet any more!!!!!


Shonda said...

I'm visiting via Leigh. I like this post. Esp. "It's time to stop playing church! It's time to stop going to God like He's a genie in a bottle waiting to grant your every wish!" AMEN!

Blessings in Christ--

Mandy Goldbach said...

Amen, sister...

p.s. when and how often is the Bible study meeting?

ThreeGirlyGirls said...

I just tried to leave you a comment on the post before this one, and it wouldn't work, so this one will have to do! I don't know what's up with my computer!

I wanted to tell you what an amazing testimony that was of your obedience to was very powerful! Even when we have those "doubts" like LORD ARE YOU SURE? He assures us that HE IS SURE!! I loved seeing this lived out in your life!! Have a great day!

Lucy said...

Preach, girl! Preach!